
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

SM Compressor 001 beta

Disclaimer: This is only of interest for people using synthmaker or VST plugins when making music.

So, with the latest version of SynthMaker we added a new compressor module to the toolbox.

This is a beta release of that module, but with a customized GUI, and it looks like this:

Main features:
Stereo, two-band compressor.
Four different modes:
Upward compression
Downward compression
Upward expansion
Downward expansion
Soft Saturation on output
Tweakable cross-over frequency
High/Low band compressor output mix
Threshold/attack/release/ratio controls
Tweakable Look-ahead

The graphical bug on the meters is a known bug and we will fix it later on.
Also there's some denormal issues that I will take care of.

Any comments that can be useful to me (and the rest of the SynthMaker team, but primarily me since I'm responsible for the compressor :)) are most welcome.

Get the dll!

Thread about the compressor module here.

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